THE CASUAL ART FAIR WAS A likemindedobjects organized event with the hester street fair, in seward park, on the lower east side of manhattan, october 2016. Over 50 participants including art collectives, galleries, food projects, presses, performers, comedians, artist designers, & more, gathered to share their latest projects & excitements for one special sunday. MANY from this group then moved on to be @ NADA New york with the hester street fair in our HEster gift shop.
FULL event description w participants
We had “Instinventions” at the 99CentPlusGallery booth by Aria McManus and Raine Trainor, we had clothing and a yoga presentation from SometingHappeningShop, we had a free Tarot reading lesson and exchange by Rachel Howe of Small Spells , Sorry Archive produced a catalog w prices of hundreds of objects for sale within the LES with artist Miao Jiaxin who then would ride his bike with strapped trash bin & man of mystery suit outfit on to purchase and deliver any item wanted by fair visitors, whether deodorant, a coffee, or mcburger. Food projects were nourishing, beautiful and full of life, Lil Deb’s Oasis, the collaborative food project of artist chefs Hannah Black and Carla Perez-Gallardo, brought their tropical comfort food down from their Hudson NY HQ, ChisoNYC made custom bright yellow beautiful layered bento boxes and miso soups next to mixed tapes of music by the collaborative art band Georgia, Raw Material NYC brought fresh oysters with house made granita’s, Moiety, the Williamsburg based gallery brought its food project Le Cheboigan which hosted bright bagged juices, massage parlor, and grilled octopus within their lounge installation which included DJ Blazer Sound System for constant sonic vibe maintenance. Gallery & collective installations were super exciting, we had Essex Flowers w quilted pieces by Nancy Smith and ceramics of Rachel Domm, Culture Room with painted works on paper by Clayton Schiff, Orgy Park Gallery had an epic group show within a large chain linked fence area, Apostrophe NYC created a miniature museum experience with a collection of 12- 12″x12″ paintings by 12 artists, we had the LikeMindedSculptureGarden in the grass with work by Isabel Wilson, The Perfect Nothing Catalog, & LikeMindedObjects, New Release Gallery hosted a wild grouping of objects by artists Joe Kay and Matt Gliva , objects included dice magnets, draping plaster sculptures, and double barrel lighters on a crutch legged display table, Samurai NYC brought along printed works, tshirts, bumper stickers, and more by Billy Rohan & Jay Riggio, yours mine and ours gallery hosted painted and sticker covered objet and records by artists Todd Bienvenu & Aaron Krach, Beverly’s, the LES community art bar, hosted an installation of artists Alta Buden, CJ Brazelton & Cristina Tufino on top of a collection of bubble gum pink pedestals and cement bases, Metropolitan Structures had works by Munich based duo under the name Hammon Von Mier, Rude Collective & Pinlord joined forces to sling RUDE merch and enamel pins, helper had an installation of objects, batiked DROOID tshirts, and printed material for sale on an installation of cardboard boxes, GOODS was a collection of found and made objects by artists Lizzi Bougatsos & Lilly Morris, CMYLOOK brought their collections of linen jumpsuits and patch worked denim jackets, Mater Soap brought there hand made natural dye soaps, Tapley came with their collection of hand made silver face jewelry, Inpatient Press had a full table of printed books, objects, and zines, Hat Line brought us their custom embroidered baseball caps, and LikeMindedObjects had a booth of shell whistles, powder coated metal tube necklaces, & recycled denim bags. Performances happened throughout the day starting with a synth kick off with the trio DROOID, then folk art rock band Casper Television, Rock and Roll Therapy w Paul McMahon, R&B amazingness by Thurman Green, wailing pop music with Boiled Wool, and Saxaphone/Dance performance by Sacred Elevators all threaded within the intuitive sonic rodeo of DJ Blazer Sound System.